Prioritize safety with operational oversight and accountability

Use data-driven insights to supplement your existing procedures and keep your job site safe.

Know for certain the right people are on-site at the right time

Assigned worker, validated.

Make sure workers stay focused on their assigned tasks and that the right personnel are on-site.

The right skills, verified.

Be confident that the workers completing the tasks are fully qualified, with all skill classifications aligned with contract terms.

Site safety training, completed.

Ensure every site-specific safety regulation is documented and online training complete before contractors ever enter the site.


Level up gate integrity

Emphasize site safety—by starting at the point of entry. Use accurate, real-time gate data and gain full visibility of everyone who is on-site at all times.


Safeguard your workforce from fatigue

Enforce worker fatigue regulations set by your company, unions, or the government. Automatically detect any violations and address them promptly to keep everyone safe.

The most important metrics you have

Utilize your data to keep workers safe, prevent accidents, and avoid any legal or financial issues.

Unmatched safety and security—every job, every day

Our customers are talking

“You can't keep track of 500 contractors and see where they are or what they're doing. It's impossible. But with PayShepherd I can see trends. If it's not going in the right direction for me, I can go to them with the data.”

Maintenance Planning Superintendent

“We get reports on who is swiping in and not swiping out. Or how some people are only supposed to be working ten-hour days, but they were charging for 15. PayShepherd is keeping everybody honest."

Procurement Specialist

“Instead of looking at a stack of 100 timesheets during a TA and having to manually go through it to see if it matches gate data, or if it's compliant with the contract, PayShepherd does it all for you."

Strategic Buyer

Make automating operational safety and security a reality