We could not do this without you.

Our customers inspire us to do what we do—so here’s to you!

"Before PayShepherd, somebody would manually sift through piles of timesheets and invoices doing random spot checks. Now, PayShepherd automatically analyzes and corroborates all billing detail using rates sheets, union agreements and contracts."

Dan Novak
Maintenance & Engineering Manager at Mercer Peace River Pulp

"We have a swipe-card system for every employee and every contractor employee that enters our mill site and we connected our site accountability system with PayShepherd, so PayShepherd was able to verify whether certain employees were actually onsite providing their services to Mercer. Those numbers of ghosts came significantly down at our mill."

Stefan Duda
VP Procurement at Mercer

“This is a cost saving tool. Last year we saved over a million dollars in vendor overspend. As someone in accounting who works with budgets and financials, this is huge. That million dollars could be spent somewhere else.”

Michele DeRosa
Accountant at Mercer Celgar

"My department would not be near as successful as we are without PayShepherd. Take the June turnarounds, for example. When I started in July 2021, there were still outstanding invoices and timesheets that hadn’t been approved. We spent 6 months getting unapproved invoices cleaned up. This year, I’m not anticipating that we’re going to get beyond the end of July. Going from 6 months to 6 weeks, that’s huge."

Melanie Foote
Procurement Superintendent at West Fraser Hinton Pulp

"PayShepherd makes my life easier because my invoice turns are faster. For relational reasons, I like to be able to pay contractors on time and quickly. If there's a dispute, I want it to be disputed in the moment and not three months down the road. I'm unfortunately the guy who gets called into the three month debate, not the day to day. So if it could be resolved at the lowest level, I don't have to get into it."

Jerret Dyck
Segment Controller at West Fraser Hinton Pulp

"The biggest problem we don't have anymore would be amendments on invoices that are above the scope of the PO. Now, with PayShepherd, the vendor is accountable for what they are sending us. And their performance needs to match their invoice, which needs to match what was approved in the system. Everything matches."

Michele DeRosa
Accountant at Mercer Celgar

"We achieved all three objectives of being on time, on schedule and no lost time incidents safety-wise. This is a first for the Prince George Refinery and it’s rare for any facility in the industry to hit all three."

Erik Sullivan
Turnaround Manager at Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd

"PayShepherd improved our relationships with contracted workforces, helping us keep a closer watch on submissions and showing that we’re paying attention. We don’t rely on ‘stare and compare’ spend management anymore, rather PayShepherd checks for us and we use the data to spark conversations and negotiations."

Erik Sullivan
Turnaround Manager at Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd

"With PayShepherd, I can pull reconciliation and work order data at any time, without having to wait until the end of the week or month to find out something's wrong."

Cathy Fierro
Financial Transaction Coordinator at ClearStream Energy Services

"With contractors, we're having more proactive conversations about long term service agreements rather than fighting over what went wrong with this job, what went wrong with that job or why are your rates higher than this guy. I think at the end of the day, the least amount of disputes and the smoother jobs roll or get completed is how I consider success."

Brent Rohn
Technical Buyer, Services at Mercer Celgar

"For us, the most valuable benefits are the cost savings and improvements in controlling and managing the time on site and the time invoiced for vendors."

Andy Coulas
Maintenance Planner at Mercer Peace River

Begin your transformation to vendor management excellence.